Wednesday, October 30, 2019

VIS 152FACT AND FICTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

VIS 152FACT AND FICTION - Essay Example To this end Abbas Kiarostami’s Close-up becomes an â€Å"unclassifiable hybrid.†(Rapfogel, 2001) The film’s central character, Hossain Sabzian and the film’s plot are not fictional creations, but rather real recreations. The fact is, a man with the name, Hossain Sabzian did in fact impersonate a film executive named Mohsen Makhmalbaf and the impersonator, Sabzian is played by himself. (Rapfogel, 2001) Kiarostami takes the concept of documentary film to a unique level so that the art of distinguishing the actor from the character he or she plays is impossible since the actors play themselves in the film. In this regard, each of the actors and the characters that they play are authentic representations of themselves. Since the actors are not caught unaware, they are role-playing nonetheless. (Naremore, 1988) Real life situations are therefore reconstructed so that the nuances of human existence are exposed. So while Close-up brings film closer to life, it simultaneously brings the reader closer to reality. So although Close-up is for all intents and purposes a staged portrayal of real characters and a real plot, it is very much an exercise in realism and authenticity. This is because it combines reality with â€Å"an hallucination that is also a fact.† (Bazin, 1967) The hallucination is manifested by the preparedness in filming and performing. Salesman like Close-up chronicles everyday life by depicting the role playing in vastly similar ways. Like Sabzian, who impersonates a film executive for disingenuous reasons, the salesmen in Salesman likewise resort to role playing. The four salesman follows the travels of four Irish Catholic Bible salesmen from Boston to New England and Florida where they attempt to sell fancy bibles to lower and middle class consumers who are obviously not interested in purchasing the bibles. Paul, one salesman is the ultimate performer. In trying to reach his sales’ quota he even lies to

Monday, October 28, 2019

School Funding Essay Example for Free

School Funding Essay Youre a ninth grader at a school in Philadelphia. The neighborhood is poor, even if not all of the students are. Your school has very little money for things like computers or technology. You walk into second period one day, sit down, and discover that the floor next to your desk is damp. The teacher explains that there is a leak in the roof, and that the school cant afford to fix it. The school cant afford to fix the leak or buy computers because it is inadequately funded. So the government kindly lends your school the money to not only fix the leak, but buy computers. But does that necessarily motivate you to improve your grades? Do you suddenly decide to do your homework because the leak is fixed? Probably not. The government sees that your grades remained the same, and two years later, when our school needs to hire more teachers and make the classes smaller, the government denies the school that money. They say that since money didnt help your grades last time, why should it help you now? But the truth is that smaller classes and better teachers do improve student achievement. Members of our government claim that giving more money to schools will not make a difference, but the government funding for schools needs to be used effectively to see a change in student performance. (Connell) The reason that some schools cant do things like buy computers and maintain their buildings to begin with is because the school funding system is so ineffective. The US government pays only 7% of all school money, and the rest is up to the states and the tax payers. Whatever money the states wont pay is paid as school tax, part of your property taxes, which are higher or lower depending on how much your home is worth. But this means that schools in poor neighborhoods get little money while wealthy schools, like ours, get nearly all they need. You dont see any leaky roofs in our school. Even if the state pays a lot of money, that still doesnt mean that the schools are well funded. In Hawaii, there is only one school district, and the state pays for nearly all of that districts funding. Only 2% comes from property tax, and the rest comes out of income tax. But think about the industry in Hawaii- farming and tourism, two low income industries. 73% of Hawaiis schools report a need for expensive building repair that they cant afford on their own, and there is only one computer for every sixteen students. Even funded evenly by the state, Hawaiis schools are still under funded, and it has been predicted that by 2010, Hawaii will need 760 new classrooms. (National Education Association. ) Where will this money come from? It is up to the national government to make the difference in school funding. Take Pennsylvania for example. The Philadelphia school district is near bankruptcy. The debate goes on over whether to privatize the schools or not. If the schools are privatized, it means that a wealthy company will take over the district and fund it. The only problem with this is that the company now has the power to control everything in the district, including teacher salary, equipment, and even curriculum. Now if you were a business owner looking to make money, and not looking to educate children, you would most likely chose to change the curriculum to fit your own financial ambitions. It would be completely within the limits of the law for the company that owned these schools to dumb down the curriculum in order to save money, thus lowering the level of education received by students in Philadelphia. And what would be the first to go? Sports, Art, music, drama, and any other subject that isnt included on the standardized tests or SATs. How would you like to go to a school where there is no football team, no marching band, no cheerleading, no chorus, no trips to the State Drama Conference? Thats where schools in Philadelphia are headed. (Snyder) Compare that to my school district, just a short drive away. Every teacher has a laptop and every student has Internet access. Were looking at new classrooms of the future, where every kid gets a personal computer and all board work is done on a high tech projector. We have a Frisbee team, for heavens sake. And some schools dont even have money for textbooks. Inequality in school funding is so widespread that fixing it would mean a lot of work for government officials. But while they ponder how to fix it, the least they could do is help out the already failing schools. Nearly one fifth of all schools are considered high poverty, which means that three quarters of the students in these school qualify for free or reduced lunch. A study of 40,000 students by the US Department of Education showed that students in poor school districts, even if they came from wealthy to middle class families, scored two grade levels lower than the national average in math, and four levels lower in reading. (Overview) The government needs to be willing to help these schools with things like staff training and building maintenance. They should not hold it against the school if revamping the building doesnt improve student grades. What the government is doing, in essence, in punishing the victims of its own inept system. The assumption that money doesnt help kids in school is just that- an assumption. Money can make a huge difference, but a lot of the time it is wasted or used inappropriately. One school district began a highly expensive program to help kids doing poorly in school. The aides helping with the program did exactly what they were told, and reported all the progress made by kids in the program, which was little. It was a long time before the teachers participating in the program realized that it was useless, and that the money had been wasted. (Connell) If the National government is going to help fund failing schools, those schools do need to be held, to a certain extent, accountable for that money. In Philadelphia, so much money was wasted that the sate and national government now refuse to help fund it any longer. What is needed is a system to make sure that money given to the school is used effectively, so a tragedy like Philadelphia doesnt repeat itself. It is also important to remember that computers do not heal all wounds- they are not a magic pill to improve grades. But teachers are. The important thing in school is teaching. A recent study showed the link between class size and grades by placing a random selection of children into three groups- a large group with one teacher, a medium group with two teachers, and a small group with one teacher. It was shown that kids in smaller classes with well trained teachers did much better than those in larger classes, even if the teacher had an aide to help. And the students who benefited the most, believe it or not, were those who came from families with less income. (Connell) Why? Possibly because they dont receive that kind of one on one attention at home, or possibly just because a smaller class is easier for a teacher to handle. Either way, the goal is achieved. Kids who live in the city and poorer neighborhoods deserve the same education as the rest of us, and if their schools cant pay for it, the government should. Helping the country is the governments job, but how are they able to help anyone if they cant start with Americas children? Our constitution states that All men are created equal, but these day that means kids too. Our education sets the tone for the rest of our lives-from getting a job to providing for a family and having knowledge of the real world. Giving some students a better education than others, just because of the value of their home, is unconstitutional. If the present system doesnt provide the resources for schools to provide an equal education for all, then the government needs to pick up the slack of their own system. The money given to the schools by the government must be used effectively if a change is desired, and the way to do that is by hiring better teachers and making class size smaller. If the school itself cannot afford to educate its students, then the government needs to provide the school with the money to do so. Theyre Americas children too. Works Cited Overview. School Funding Inequity.  ©2000. Noreen Connell. Under Funded Schools-Why Money Matters. School funding Inequity. March/April 1998.  ©2000. NEA Government Relations. School Modernization Facts- Hawaii. National Education Association Website. May 23, 2001. Susan Snyder. PA to study school district finances The Philadelphia Inquirer. December 4, 2001. Julie green and Erica Lepping. Education Report- Shows Poverty Linked to Student Achievement. School Funding Inequity. Sptember 8, 1998.  ©2000. Funding Schools Appropriately Youre a ninth grader at a school in Philadelphia. The neighborhood is poor, even if not all of the students are. Your school has very little money for things like computers or technology. You walk into second period one day, sit down, and discover that the floor next to your desk is damp. The teacher explains that there is a leak in the roof, and that the school cant afford to fix it. The school cant afford to fix the leak or buy computers because it is inadequately funded. So the government kindly lends your school the money to not only fix the leak, but buy computers. But does that necessarily motivate you to improve your grades? Do you suddenly decide to do your homework because the leak is fixed? Probably not. The government sees that your grades remained the same, and two years later, when our school needs to hire more teachers and make the classes smaller, the government denies the school that money. They say that since money didnt help your grades last time, why should it help you now? But the truth is that smaller classes and better teachers do improve student achievement. Members of our government claim that giving more money to schools will not make a difference, but the government funding for schools needs to be used effectively to see a change in student performance. (Connell) The reason that some schools cant do things like buy computers and maintain their buildings to begin with is because the school funding system is so ineffective. The US government pays only 7% of all school money, and the rest is up to the states and the tax payers. Whatever money the states wont pay is paid as school tax, part of your property taxes, which are higher or lower depending on how much your home is worth. But this means that schools in poor neighborhoods get little money while wealthy schools, like ours, get nearly all they need. You dont see any leaky roofs in our school. Even if the state pays a lot of money, that still doesnt mean that the schools are well funded. In Hawaii, there is only one school district, and  the state pays for nearly all of that districts funding. Only 2% comes from property tax, and the rest comes out of income tax. But think about the industry in Hawaii- farming and tourism, two low income industries. 73% of Hawaiis schools report a need for expensive building repair that they cant afford on their own, and there is only one computer for every sixteen students. Even funded evenly by the state, Hawaiis schools are still under funded, and it has been predicted that by 2010, Hawaii will need 760 new classrooms. (National Education Association. ) Where will this money come from? It is up to the national government to make the difference in school funding. Take Pennsylvania for example. The Philadelphia school district is near bankruptcy. The debate goes on over whether to privatize the schools or not. If the schools are privatized, it means that a wealthy company will take over the district and fund it. The only problem with this is that the company now has the power to control everything in the district, including teacher salary, equipment, and even curriculum. Now if you were a business owner looking to make money, and not looking to educate children, you would most likely chose to change the curriculum to fit your own financial ambitions. It would be completely within the limits of the law for the company that owned these schools to dumb down the curriculum in order to save money, thus lowering the level of education received by students in Philadelphia. And what would be the first to go? Sports, Art, music, drama, and any other subject that isnt included on the standardized tests or SATs. How would you like to go to a school where there is no football team, no marching band, no cheerleading, no chorus, no trips to the State Drama Conference? Thats where schools in Philadelphia are headed. (Snyder) Compare that to my school district, just a short drive away. Every teacher has a laptop and every student has Internet access. Were looking at new classrooms of the future, where every kid gets a personal computer and all board work is done on a high tech projector. We have a Frisbee team, for heavens sake. And some schools dont even have money for textbooks. Inequality in school funding is so widespread that fixing it would mean a lot of work for government officials. But while they ponder how to fix it, the least they could do is help out the already failing schools. Nearly one fifth of all schools are considered high poverty, which means that three quarters of the students in these school qualify for free or reduced lunch. A study of 40,000 students by the US Department of Education showed that students in poor school districts, even if they came from wealthy to middle class families, scored two grade levels lower than the national average in math, and four levels lower in reading. (Overview) The government needs to be willing to help these schools with things like staff training and building maintenance. They should not hold it against the school if revamping the building doesnt improve student grades. What the government is doing, in essence, in punishing the victims of its own inept system. The assumption that money doesnt help kids in school is just that- an assumption. Money can make a huge difference, but a lot of the time it is wasted or used inappropriately. One school district began a highly expensive program to help kids doing poorly in school. The aides helping with the program did exactly what they were told, and reported all the progress made by kids in the program, which was little. It was a long time before the teachers participating in the program realized that it was useless, and that the money had been wasted. (Connell) If the National government is going to help fund failing schools, those schools do need to be held, to a certain extent, accountable for that money. In Philadelphia, so much money was wasted that the sate and national government now refuse to help fund it any longer. What is needed is a system to make sure that money given to the school is used effectively, so a tragedy like Philadelphia doesnt repeat itself. It is also important to remember that computers do not heal all wounds- they are not a magic pill to improve grades. But teachers are. The important thing in school is teaching. A recent study showed the link between class size and grades by placing a random selection of children into three groups- a large group with one teacher, a medium group with two teachers, and a small group with one teacher. It was shown that kids in smaller classes with well trained teachers did much better than those in larger classes, even if the teacher had an aide to help. And the students who benefited the most, believe it or not, were those who came from families with less income. (Connell) Why? Possibly because they dont receive that kind of one on one attention at home, or possibly just because a smaller class is easier for a teacher to handle. Either way, the goal is achieved. Kids who live in the city and poorer neighborhoods deserve the same education as the rest of us, and if their schools cant pay for it, the government should. Helping the country is the governments job, but how are they able to help anyone if they cant start with Americas children? Our constitution states that All men are created equal, but these day that means kids too. Our education sets the tone for the rest of our lives-from getting a job to providing for a family and having knowledge of the real world. Giving some students a better education than others, just because of the value of their home, is unconstitutional. If the present system doesnt provide the resources for schools to provide an equal education for all, then the government needs to pick up the slack of their own system. The money given to the schools by the government must be used effectively if a change is desired, and the way to do that is by hiring better teachers and making class size smaller. If the school itself cannot afford to educate its students, then the government needs to provide the school with the money to do so. Theyre Americas children too. Works Cited Overview. School Funding Inequity.  ©2000. Noreen Connell. Under Funded Schools-Why Money Matters. School funding Inequity. March/April 1998.  ©2000. NEA Government Relations. School Modernization Facts- Hawaii. National Education Association Website. May 23, 2001. Susan Snyder. PA to study school district finances The Philadelphia Inquirer. December 4, 2001. Julie green and Erica Lepping. Education Report- Shows Poverty Linked to Student Achievement. School Funding Inequity. Sptember 8, 1998.  ©2000.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Increasing Airline Security Essay -- Papers

Increasing Airline Security Over the past five months, airline and airport security has been in the news almost daily. The events on and since September 11 have completely changed the viewpoints of many Americans, as well as the world, concerning airline security. Between the 18 suicide hijackers to Richard â€Å"the shoe bomber† Reid and the many other terrorists that lurk in the world, flying is definitely not as safe as it once was. I strongly believe that security in airports should be much more strict than it is now, even if it infringes on the people’s right to privacy. The last part of that statement is the point of clash for many people because they strongly believe in privacy rights. Before I get to why there should be stricter airport security, I will define a few the main terms in this debate. First of all, stricter security calls for a more systematic, more careful searching of passengers, bags and airplanes for contraband items, like guns, knifes, explosives and anything that could be used as a weapon. I will go into more detail later about different practices to give airports stricter security. Another crucial part of this debate that perplexes many people is the phrase, â€Å"right to privacy.† Rights to privacy can be defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by the government, the media or other institutions or individuals. Article IV of the Bill of Rights states that â€Å"the right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Airline security has always been a very important issue, but the significance has multiplied exponentially since the September 11th terrorist attacks. On that horrific day, ... ...ace for those airports that do not follow the correct procedure. Depending on the size of the airport, fines should be high enough to make a difference to the owners. For example, an airport in New York City should have a very hefty fine of at least $25,000 per infraction. Smaller airports cannot afford such amounts, so the fines should be tailored to their income. The funding for these new procedures and equipment has been allowed for in the President’s new budget for the fiscal year. Also, raising ticket prices only a few dollars each would help fund the new equipment. The fines from faulty airports could go into a fund to help pay for more equipment. Ultimately, I believe that these stricter changes would not only prevent events like those on September 11, but also they would deter would-be terrorists from even trying to breech the security at airports.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Irish Immigrants in Boston Essay -- Ireland Immigration History Essays

Irish Immigrants in Boston The life of Irish immigrants in Boston was one of poverty and discrimination. The religiously centered culture of the Irish has along with their importance on family has allowed the Irish to prosper and persevere through times of injustice. Boston's Irish immigrant population amounted to a tenth of its population. Many after arriving could not find suitable jobs and ended up living where earlier generations had resided. This attributed to the 'invisibility' of the Irish. Much of the very early migration had been heavily male, but during the famine years, migration was largely a family affair. Families were arriving serially in ?chain? migration while others suffered high mortality rates in these years. The Irish were the first to practice ?chain or serial migration? on a large scale. During the famine years males still outnumbered women in migration numbers but not by a large margin. However in the post famine years and especially after 1880 more women came from Ireland than males. The reason for this was that women were always more deprived of work than men in Ireland, and in the post-famine years the position of women got exponentially worse. In Ireland, contrary to what was happening in the United States, women did not live longer than men. The lives of immigrant Irish women were not easy, but much better than a life back in Ireland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the 1850?s through the 1870?s 45% of all Irish immigrants were persons in the 15-24 age group with gender evenly balanced. But in the 1880?s to 1920 that same age group made up about 60% of all Irish immigrants. This social class was young and could adapt to working in the harsh conditions. Immigrants who arrived alone often eventually married either someone from the immigrant community in the area. With each passing year women began taking up a higher and higher percentage of Irish immigrants. By 1921 women outnumbered men 2:1. These women were overwhelmingly concentrated in domestic service. At the turn of the century more than half of all Irish immigrant women were servants. These Irish women learned American housekeeping through first-hand experience, living in the home of the family they served.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Irish usually tended to support the Democratic Party rather than support the Republican Party. Most Irish had little sympathy for slaves because they feared that if th... ...cause of the Irish church and family. Bibliography: Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Companies. 2004 Daniels, Roger. Coming to America. New York, NY. HarperCollins Publishers. 1990 Glazer, Nathan. Beyond the Melting Pot. Boston, MA. The M.I.T. and Harvard University press. 1963 Handlin, Oscar. Boston?s Immigrants: A Study in Acculturation. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University press. 1959 Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas. The Irish American Family Album. New York, NY. Oxford University press. 1995 Howard, Brett. Boston: A Social History. New York, NY. Hawthorn Books, INC. 1976 Laxton, Edward. The Famine Ships. New York, NY. Henry Holt and Company, INC. 1996 Nichols, Guild. ?The Irish Influx?. North End Boston. Date checked 2-15-05 O'Connor, Thomas H. The Boston Irish: A Political History. Boston, MA. Northeastern University Press, 1995. ?Timeline: 1850-1949.? Boston Family History. Date checked 2-10-05 ?Irish Immigration?. Spartacus Educational. Date checked 2-10-05 Irish Immigrants in Boston Essay -- Ireland Immigration History Essays Irish Immigrants in Boston The life of Irish immigrants in Boston was one of poverty and discrimination. The religiously centered culture of the Irish has along with their importance on family has allowed the Irish to prosper and persevere through times of injustice. Boston's Irish immigrant population amounted to a tenth of its population. Many after arriving could not find suitable jobs and ended up living where earlier generations had resided. This attributed to the 'invisibility' of the Irish. Much of the very early migration had been heavily male, but during the famine years, migration was largely a family affair. Families were arriving serially in ?chain? migration while others suffered high mortality rates in these years. The Irish were the first to practice ?chain or serial migration? on a large scale. During the famine years males still outnumbered women in migration numbers but not by a large margin. However in the post famine years and especially after 1880 more women came from Ireland than males. The reason for this was that women were always more deprived of work than men in Ireland, and in the post-famine years the position of women got exponentially worse. In Ireland, contrary to what was happening in the United States, women did not live longer than men. The lives of immigrant Irish women were not easy, but much better than a life back in Ireland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the 1850?s through the 1870?s 45% of all Irish immigrants were persons in the 15-24 age group with gender evenly balanced. But in the 1880?s to 1920 that same age group made up about 60% of all Irish immigrants. This social class was young and could adapt to working in the harsh conditions. Immigrants who arrived alone often eventually married either someone from the immigrant community in the area. With each passing year women began taking up a higher and higher percentage of Irish immigrants. By 1921 women outnumbered men 2:1. These women were overwhelmingly concentrated in domestic service. At the turn of the century more than half of all Irish immigrant women were servants. These Irish women learned American housekeeping through first-hand experience, living in the home of the family they served.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Irish usually tended to support the Democratic Party rather than support the Republican Party. Most Irish had little sympathy for slaves because they feared that if th... ...cause of the Irish church and family. Bibliography: Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill Companies. 2004 Daniels, Roger. Coming to America. New York, NY. HarperCollins Publishers. 1990 Glazer, Nathan. Beyond the Melting Pot. Boston, MA. The M.I.T. and Harvard University press. 1963 Handlin, Oscar. Boston?s Immigrants: A Study in Acculturation. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University press. 1959 Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas. The Irish American Family Album. New York, NY. Oxford University press. 1995 Howard, Brett. Boston: A Social History. New York, NY. Hawthorn Books, INC. 1976 Laxton, Edward. The Famine Ships. New York, NY. Henry Holt and Company, INC. 1996 Nichols, Guild. ?The Irish Influx?. North End Boston. Date checked 2-15-05 O'Connor, Thomas H. The Boston Irish: A Political History. Boston, MA. Northeastern University Press, 1995. ?Timeline: 1850-1949.? Boston Family History. Date checked 2-10-05 ?Irish Immigration?. Spartacus Educational. Date checked 2-10-05

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is Humanity Suicidal? Essay

I do not think that humanity is suicidal, we just sometimes fail to realize the long-term effects that certain actions have on our environment. I completely agree with E.O. Wilson when he said, â€Å"We are smart enough and have time enough to avoid all environmental catastrophes of civilization-threatening dimensions.† Basically what he is saying is that we have the time and capability to prevent an environmental catastrophe, but the time to act is now. We as a society need to change our thought process in which â€Å"the mind works comfortably backward and forward for a few years, spanning a period not exceeding one or two generations† (Smith 3). We need to start thinking ahead and consider four to five generations ahead of us rather than two or three. The only way to achieve this is by spreading awareness. We need to start convincing people that changes must be made now in order to sustain our environment. People may not listen at first, but they will if enough people start to discuss it and it gains momentum. For instance, I can remember when the topic of electric cars first came up in the media about ten years or so ago. Back then, people laughed at the idea of an electric car, but now hybrids and non-gasoline powered vehicles have become a norm in today’s eco-friendly society. That is just one example, but there are many others in which society doesn’t take things seriously at first, but then comes to realize that maybe there is a problem and we should do something about it. All we can hope for is that we as a society address these problems sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Your Complete Guide to the Best Customer Service Jobs

Your Complete Guide to the Best Customer Service Jobs Pop quiz! Customer service is not a job for: (A) the faint of heart(B) impatient people(C) people who hate other people(D) all of the aboveThe answer is definitely D. In customer service, you help other people like it’s your job, because it is your job. Whether that includes helping customers with a particular product, fielding questions and complaints with a pleasant smile, or listening to people rant and rave about a product you didn’t sell them and didn’t create, it’s a role that requires a ton of people skills and diplomacy. You’re often a front-line brand ambassador for your company. In the best of times, you might earn loyal customers for your company. When things go wrong, you might end up a viral cautionary tale of customer service gone wild. So remember: not for the faint of heart (or patience).What Do Customer Service Professionals Do?Customer services representatives (also known as customer care representatives) can be found in any custom er-facing industry. That includes retail, hospitality, healthcare, or any service industry. These professionals are the friendly faces and voices who are ready to help Their tasks might include:Receiving customers or answering phone callsCoordinating customer ordersEvaluating problems or issues and determining the next stepsTroubleshooting issues, give advice or informationEnsuring a good customer experienceReceiving customer feedbackInvestigating issuesMaintaining detailed client or customer recordsEscalating issues when necessaryCoordinating follow-up outreach to customersInteracting with customers in person or via phone, online chat, fax, or social mediaGiving information about a store, company, or productGenerating sales leadsProcessing payments or refunds as necessaryBuilding customer and brand relationshipsMeeting sales targets and goalsFollowing company protocols for customer careExamples of common customer service jobs include:Client Services ManagerClient Services Specialis tClient Services CoordinatorClient Services RepresentativeCustomer Service AssociateCustomer Service CoordinatorCustomer Service ManagerCustomer Service SupervisorCustomer Service/Care RepresentativeCustomer Support AssociateCustomer Support ManagerCustomer Support SpecialistFront Desk AgentFront Desk AssociateFront Desk ManagerFront Desk ReceptionistHelp Desk AssociateHelp Desk SupportHelp Desk TechnicianReceptionistRetail AssociateRetail Sales AssociateSales AssistantSales CoordinatorTechnical Support EngineerTechnical Support RepresentativesIt’s important to note that this is not your typical 9-to-5 job. Depending on the industry or company, you may be working odd or overnight shifts, including holidays and weekends.What Does the Customer Service Career Path Look Like?In the past, customer service was often looked upon as an entry-level job, or a career dead end, but that is no longer the case (if it ever really was). Many customer service careers start in the aforemention ed entry-level job (customer service rep, or any associate-level job), but with experience in the field, a person can go on to become a coordinator, manager, supervisor, or executive).As we become a more consumer-driven culture, and one where a customer can be blasting a poor experience over social media within seconds, that means that the customer service industry is growing and becoming more sophisticated by the day. Customer service representatives are not just for placating customers- they may be troubleshooting complicated issues, using advanced technical skills, and using a variety of different communication platforms to connect with customers.The data obsession that drives so many other industries has taken root in the customer service field as well, with metrics, reporting, and customer data management becoming more complex in the pursuit of generating sales and creating lasting, positive relationships with customers.What Skills Do Customer Service Professionals Have?Remembe r when I mentioned â€Å"people skills†? These are among the most essential skills for a fulfilling and productive career in customer service. Here’s the rundown of the skills you’ll need (or should build) if you’re looking for a job in the field.Communication SkillsYou’ll be communicating with all sorts of people. Happy customers with questions, unhappy customers with problems, people who have very few communication skills themselves, people with language barriers, people who just want to talk to someone†¦you name it, you might encounter it as a customer service professional. If you’re one of those people who can have a conversation with anyone and everyone you meet, great! You’ve got a good starting point.Your communication skills shouldn’t just be customer-facing, though. You may need to explain complicated issues or problems to other teams within your company, and will likely need to be able to communicate brand-specif ic messaging as well. Your written skills should be strong as well, because so much customer service happens online these days, either via email, online chats, or social media.PatienceIf you’re a tech-savvy person who has tried to help someone who’s, uh, less tech-savvy with a complicated computer issue, then you know that being the one with all the knowledge comes with great responsibility- namely, not getting frustrated or yelling if the person doesn’t necessarily get what you’re putting down. Being able to stay calm and walk through things as many times as necessary is an essential skill for customer service.Organizational SkillsCustomer service reps may need to do a lot of juggling, especially during busy times of the year (for example, holidays). Being able to keep customer information straight and make sure you’re logging everything accurately is key. Chaotic or frenzied customer service is usually lousy customer service.Attention to DetailBe cause customer service actions can have consequences with customers, companies like to make sure that their customer service reps and contacts have an eagle eye for small details. Whether it’s making sure an order is being processed correctly, or ensuring that someone’s insurance information is accurate, you’ll want to be able to demonstrate ninja-level attention to detail.What Education Do Customer Service Professionals Need?This is a field that you can get into without a degree. Most customer service jobs, especially entry-level ones, require a high school diploma or equivalent, and rely heavily on candidates who demonstrate the kinds of skills outlined above. There is typically on-the-job training, since every industry and every company have their own customer service needs, processes, and policies. There’s no one-size-fits-all training or certification that customer service professionals can undergo.How Much Do Customer Service Professionals Make?The salary can vary according to experience level, but here are some sample median salaries for customer service professionals, per PayScale and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:Customer Service Representative: $32,300Customer Service Associate: $36,680Customer Service Specialist: $40,121Customer Service Supervisor: $47,938Customer Service Manager: $54,066What is the Outlook for Customer Service Professionals?The outlook is strong! This is a field that is definitely growing- again, the emphasis on a consumer society means there will always need to be consumer support professionals. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that this field will grow 10% faster than average by 2024.If you’re thinking about breaking into this field, or wondering where you can go next after your first opportunity, working in customer service can be a solid growth choice for your career. And if you’re not necessarily interested in making it your career base, the skills you use and build a s a customer service representative are ones that you can successfully take to many other industries.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Carol Moseley Braun Essay †Womens Studies

Carol Moseley Braun Essay – Womens Studies Free Online Research Papers Carol Moseley Braun Essay- Womens Studies Carol Moseley Braun attended public school in Chicago and later graduated from the University of Chicago with a Law degree in 1972. Braun has become a pioneer for African American women in the arena of politics. She has managed to pass bills that affect education, housing discrimination, and practices for better government in the state of Illinois. As well as successfully winning approval of many supporters, Braun became a presidential nomination candidate in the 2004 election. Although, unsuccessful in winning the democratic nomination, Braun maintained an impressive political career. Braun became a prosecutor in the United States’ Attorney’s office from 1973 to 1977. In 1978, Braun was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives. She was known for her advocacy and ability to debate. Braun has set out to make government more held responsible for making education a top priority. Braun was able to acquire support from those of different races who were committed to this cause. Braun became the chief support of the 1985 Urban School Improvement Act which helped to empower parent organizations at all schools throughout Chicago. She was also solely responsible for every school bill that affected education from 1980 to 1987. These bills included; higher salaries for professors and for public aid recipients to attend school without losing their benefits. After serving two terms, Braun was selected to become the first African American women in Illinois history to serve as Assistant Majority Leader. Braun passed bills to reform education and to ban discrimination in housing and private clubs. Later, another bill was introduced that barred the state of Illinois from investing funds in South Africa, until the apartheid system was abolished. Braun also filed and won the â€Å"one man, one vote† principle in Illinois. Braun won the â€Å"Best Legislator† award given by independent voters for then years in a row. In 1987, Braun was nominated for the office of Recorder of Deeds as a part of a multi- ethnic, multi-racial and gender balanced â€Å"Dream Ticket.† Braun made history once elected to this position with more than one million votes cast in her favor. She became the first African American women to hold executive office in Cook County government. Braun was elected 1992 Senate primary victory over two-term incumbent Senator Alan Dixon; although her two opponents outspent her by more than 20 to 1. Braun defeated Dixon and personal injury lawyer Al Hofeld in a positive campaign emphasizing issues over dirt slinging. She took office in January 5, 1993 to serve the people of Illinois. In 2004 Braun was a democratic candidate for the 2004 presidential election. She was not poling well in important states such as Iowa and New Hampshire and had a campaign in debt of thousands of dollars. Despite, this loss Braun has maintained her affiliations in the political arena and is involved with the Juvenile Justice, Courts and Administrative Practice Subcommittees of the Judiciary Committee. She is till committed to housing and urban affairs. Braun is an African American woman that has promoted and caused change in arena such as education, government and fair housing. She has set precedence for woman in the political arena and I admire her commitment to the policies she has helped to enforce. Work Cited Wikipedia (2005) Carol for president, 1993-1999. Retrieved July 27, 2005 from Wikipedia database. Lifton, M.(2004). Biography for senator carol moseley braun (Vol 13 )Mary Institute for the Humanities, McLeiden Library Bryant, J. (2003)The significance of carol moseley braun. Research Papers on Carol Moseley Braun Essay - Women's StudiesBringing Democracy to Africa19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtStandardized TestingLifes What IfsMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesQuebec and CanadaCapital Punishment

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on New England Vs. Chesapeake

People from England settled both in the New England region and the Chesapeake region, yet the two regions became very different and independent from one another. You would think that since they were basically the same people that the colonies would be similar but they were far from it. The people settling New England were fleeing England’s religious persecution, it was a refuge for religious separatists leaving England, and was composed of many close and religious towns with large families. The Chesapeake region; however, was composed mainly by the aristocratic men of England who wanted wealth more than anything. These were widely spread out with small families, who spent most of their time obtaining wealth. In this essay I will explain how each region began and discuss the democratic differences in each region. John Winthrop, the leader of the Puritans in New England, states that the colonies goal was to form â€Å"a city upon a hill†, which is like saying a â€Å"pure† community, where Christianity would be pursued in the most correct manner. Puritans believed that church and government should work together to promote holiness and help people succeed both materially and spiritually. The local government was controlled by the same people who controlled the church and the bible was the basis for all the laws and regulations. From the Article of Agreement, Springfield, Massachusetts it is clear that religion was the basis for general laws. It uses the phrase, â€Å"being by God’s providence engaged together to make a plantation† showing that everything was done by God’s work. John Winthrop wanted the New England colony to become the model for the rest of the world, to work together and create a utopian society â€Å"so shall we keep the unity of the s pirit in the bond of peace†¦ we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill.† The government for the colonists in New England was theocracy, which is controlled by... Free Essays on New England Vs. Chesapeake Free Essays on New England Vs. Chesapeake People from England settled both in the New England region and the Chesapeake region, yet the two regions became very different and independent from one another. You would think that since they were basically the same people that the colonies would be similar but they were far from it. The people settling New England were fleeing England’s religious persecution, it was a refuge for religious separatists leaving England, and was composed of many close and religious towns with large families. The Chesapeake region; however, was composed mainly by the aristocratic men of England who wanted wealth more than anything. These were widely spread out with small families, who spent most of their time obtaining wealth. In this essay I will explain how each region began and discuss the democratic differences in each region. John Winthrop, the leader of the Puritans in New England, states that the colonies goal was to form â€Å"a city upon a hill†, which is like saying a â€Å"pure† community, where Christianity would be pursued in the most correct manner. Puritans believed that church and government should work together to promote holiness and help people succeed both materially and spiritually. The local government was controlled by the same people who controlled the church and the bible was the basis for all the laws and regulations. From the Article of Agreement, Springfield, Massachusetts it is clear that religion was the basis for general laws. It uses the phrase, â€Å"being by God’s providence engaged together to make a plantation† showing that everything was done by God’s work. John Winthrop wanted the New England colony to become the model for the rest of the world, to work together and create a utopian society â€Å"so shall we keep the unity of the s pirit in the bond of peace†¦ we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill.† The government for the colonists in New England was theocracy, which is controlled by...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Modernity - Essay Example Berman says modern humans â€Å"are moved at once by a will to change †¦ and by a terror of disorientation and disintegration, of life falling apart† (Berman, 1982). Change frightens us even as we long for it. â€Å"To be modern is to live a life of paradox and contradiction. †¦ It is to be both revolutionary and conservative: alive to new possibilities for experience and adventure, frightened by the nihilistic depths to which so many modern adventures lead† (Berman, 1982). In capitalistic society, it is argued that the consumer is the master by reason of making the choice to purchase or not purchase. Berman says this is not really the case. Availability of options only begins the list of restrictions. â€Å"Poor people can't get lawyers in a country that is glutted with them; the HMOs have abolished the autonomy of physicians; college professors are often glorified fundraisers† (Hitchins, 1999). The World Trade Center of New York City is an architectural example of the modern. Berman describes it as â€Å"isolated †¦ it gave off hostility† as compared to the Chrysler and Empire State Buildings. â€Å"[The Port Authority’s] idea of safety involved repelling the people. The slab shape †¦ grew out of an aesthetic voiced best by Le Corbusier, who said that in order to have modern planning we have to ‘kill the streets.’ For him the street epitomized disorder and chaos† (Berman, 2002).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Spastic Cerebral Palsy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Spastic Cerebral Palsy - Research Paper Example This may include either mainstream or special education system. In addition, the type of school system will be dependent on the needs of the child. The purpose of this paper is to define the disorder by discussing different dimensions that are pertained to it and the education system. Definition of the Cerebral Palsy disorder According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Cerebral Palsy disorder is a type of neurological disorder that manifests in the infancy stages and early childhood, enduringly affecting body functions and muscle dexterity such as moving limbs. This type of disorder does not get any worse overtime, but the conditions remain relative the same. The name Cerebral Palsy is derived form part of the brain that is affected, which is the cerebral cortex that is directly concerned with motor and muscle movement. On the other hand, palsy is a medical term that refers to the loss of motor function (NINDS Website). Therefore, Spastic Cerebra l Palsy is the type that causes one or more groups of muscles to tighten, thereby limiting physical movements. This type of condition renders children incapable of effectively controlling their movements such as moving from one location to another of holding items. Causes According to the NINDS, an array of researches carried out by NINDS scientists provide an understanding to the events that are suspected to cause and lead to Spastic Cerebral Palsy Disorder (SCPD). The following causes account to more than 90% whereas the remaining percentage is associated to birth complications such as asphyxia (deprivation of oxygen). First, NINDS and other researches indicate that injury to the brain’s white matter may lead to SCPD. When the brain’s white matter is damaged, it makes it difficult for the brain to communicate signals to the entire of the body, given that this is its primary function (white matter). Secondly, when the brain of an infant or child develops abnormally, i t presents the child the potential risk of acquiring SCPD. Disruption to the normal growth of a fetus brain such as genetic mutation and conditions such as infections and traumas among others can cause SCPD. Lastly, bleeding in the brain as a result of rupturing of blood vessels, which are caused by external forces during the early years of a child, can lead to SCPD. This bleeding may end impairing the cerebral cortex, thus affecting the motor function a child. Prevalence As stated earlier, SCPD is the most common type of cerebral palsy and is indiscriminate of social- economic status, race or gender. However, various studies and researches such as the one done by the Institute of Health Science in England in the 1970’s and 1980’s indicate that the rate of prevalence is higher among the children who weigh less than 1.5 kilograms. This research was conducted in Europe among 14 centers in13 geographical regions. A similar study conducted in 1970’s and 1980’ s in Atlanta by Winter et al (2002), indicate that the prevalence rate was high among infants with less than 1.5 kg, although, within the same period, there was high increase of SCP cases among the normal weighed children. Therefore, these researches imply that SCPD is prevalent among infants and more specially those who are low weight of less than 1.5kg.

Identify a strategic leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Identify a strategic leader - Essay Example Jobs does not just go into a product category and make what everyone else is making. Rather, he gets into the minds and hearts of customers by figuring out what he wants and eventually everyone ends up loving his products because of their uniqueness. He thinks ahead and builds future. Some assume that Apple Inc. will not be able to survive without Steve Jobs, however, Jobs says otherwise. He believes in the people working at Apple Inc. and claims that there are really capable people at Apple Inc. Thus he appreciates those working with him and does not take the entire credit himself. Hence by the way he deals with his employees and his products, he really is a strategic leader and has proven that by making Apple Inc. a dream come true. Assignment #2 Please respond to these 3 people comment please make it short and as a discussion format thank you Person#1 Meg Whitman is a former CEO of EBay. She joined EBay in 1998 when the company had only 30 employees and revenues of $4 million. Ori ginally, when Whitman had joined eBay, she found the website as a simple black and white webpage. She believed the site to be confusing and began by building a new executive team.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managing small business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Managing small business - Essay Example Mama Mancini’s is a small, family run business. It was started way back in 1913 when Arturo Mancini set up an Italian restaurant in downtown Chicago, serving genuine home made sauces. Over the years, the popularity of the restaurant’s Italian sauces encouraged Bruno, the third generation Mancini, to start up a separate business in the manufacture of sauces. Although this is a small family owned business, in the past five years the popularity of their sauces has spread and they have expanded their operations in the greater Chicago area, with their sales doubling over a five year period. Whereas the business was running at a loss five years ago, the break even point was reached during the third year. The company’s financial statement may be summarized as follows: The success of this small family owned business is largely due to good planning, the quality of their product and the identification of the niche market. To a great extent, the vision and planning of the owner Bruno Mancini has contributed to its success. This Paper focuses on the dynamics of owner-owned enterprises and the case of Mama Mancini’s was chosen because it is a typical example of a successful, family owned small business, which are cropping up in increasing numbers all over the world. What classifies Mama Mancini’s as a family owned business? A family owned business is classified as such when family members own and operate the operations of the business. While researchers have put forth many definitions of family owned small businesses, there is general agreement that family involvement in ownership and management classifies the enterprise as a family owned business (Handler, 1989). Small business form an important part of the American economy and studies have identified 75% of all businesses in the United States as being are family owned enterprises (Greenwald, 1993). Other relevant studies have shown that family

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Case Study - Essay Example It is also regarded as the third largest public organization in the world according to a list released by Fortune Global 500 in 2012. Wal-Mart belongs to the retail sector industry (Adair 41). In addition, Wal-Mart is perceived to be the largest private employer in the universe employing approximately 2 million workers. The departments of Wal-Mart are divided in three retail designs that are popular in America. They include Wal-Mart Markets, Supercenters, and Discount stores. Wal-Mart Markets are utilized to fill the gap between supercenters and discount stores, providing several commodities, for example, pharmaceuticals, groceries, among others. Supercenters are hypermarkets which contains everything in a discount store and a full-service supermarket. Finally, discount stores contain a selection of groceries and general commodities. Organizational Strategy Wal-Mart incorporation has a mission of assisting individuals to save finances so that they can have better lives. This mission was devised by the company’s chief executive officer, Sam Walton. The mission directs all activities undertaken at the company. This means that numerous clients can believe Wal-Mart has daily affordable prices. The vision of Wal-Mart is to provide quality products at daily minimal prices, combined with the provision of pleasant services. This has pushed the company to its position as the largest retailer in the whole world. Wal-Mart employs its vision to establish the value of every innovation it takes into account (Vance and Roy 31). The values of Wal-Mart Include respect for the clients, aiming for excellence, and service to the clients. The values help in showing consideration and respect to the suppliers, customer, neighbours, and associates. The company has developed a strong retail brand and a reputation for value of money as action plans for implementing its strategy. In addition, the company has convenience and contains a broad range of commodities in a single store. Wal-Mart plans to purchase addition retail stores in different areas of the world to implement its strategy of aggressive expansion. How the Principles of Management Are Used In the Application of the Strategy The planning for the organization is carried out by managers who get feedback from every worker, every year, with regard to their points of view of their work situation and the implementation of the beliefs and values in the company. This helps them plan for the company’s activities. The managers organize responsibilities among their workers by placing them in strategic areas in the stores where they carryout tasks such as assisting clients find the commodities they need. They use Sam Walton’s personal values to design tasks that will make sure employees engage in activities that improve the company. The management also has developed a business paradigm meant to satisfy the needs of the customer. This outlines the way employees will work. Wal-Mart has managers wh o aspire to offer clients the services and products they require when they need them. They use the outside-in thinking to lead their teams. Their philosophy and approach put the interest of the client before the capabilities of the organization. There have been control issues in Wal-Mart in the past. The company’s acquisition of local retailers in a number of countries generated control issues between Wal-Mart and the people of the local country, for example, the purchase of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managing small business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Managing small business - Essay Example Mama Mancini’s is a small, family run business. It was started way back in 1913 when Arturo Mancini set up an Italian restaurant in downtown Chicago, serving genuine home made sauces. Over the years, the popularity of the restaurant’s Italian sauces encouraged Bruno, the third generation Mancini, to start up a separate business in the manufacture of sauces. Although this is a small family owned business, in the past five years the popularity of their sauces has spread and they have expanded their operations in the greater Chicago area, with their sales doubling over a five year period. Whereas the business was running at a loss five years ago, the break even point was reached during the third year. The company’s financial statement may be summarized as follows: The success of this small family owned business is largely due to good planning, the quality of their product and the identification of the niche market. To a great extent, the vision and planning of the owner Bruno Mancini has contributed to its success. This Paper focuses on the dynamics of owner-owned enterprises and the case of Mama Mancini’s was chosen because it is a typical example of a successful, family owned small business, which are cropping up in increasing numbers all over the world. What classifies Mama Mancini’s as a family owned business? A family owned business is classified as such when family members own and operate the operations of the business. While researchers have put forth many definitions of family owned small businesses, there is general agreement that family involvement in ownership and management classifies the enterprise as a family owned business (Handler, 1989). Small business form an important part of the American economy and studies have identified 75% of all businesses in the United States as being are family owned enterprises (Greenwald, 1993). Other relevant studies have shown that family

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The statement of Simone de Beauvoir Women and Men are made, not born Essay - 7

The statement of Simone de Beauvoir Women and Men are made, not born - Essay Example Gender addresses the socially constructed categories of feminine and masculine. Several behaviours and attributes of gender are assigned to the categories. On the other hand, sex can be determined as the universal distinction between a woman and man. It is based on several physical and biological differences. These differences are generally characterized by both external and internal sex organs, genetics and hormones. It is very much difficult to explain how gender and sex are related to each other. Moreover, it is difficult to argue that there is no connection between sex and gender. If it is stated that there is no relation between gender and sex then it is reasonable to presuppose that the notions gender and sex of individuals are social constructs. It can be assumed considering a theory recognized as social construction thesis. On the other hand, if there is a positive relationship between gender and sex, then it is logical to make an assumption that it is the sex of an individua l that determines his or her gender. The social constructionists have contended that the differences in gender derive from the cultural and social processes. These are not grounded in the nature of the biology. The social constructionists have also argued that cultural and social processes create various gender discourses that can differ across space and time. The gender discourses generally allocate different responsibilities and behaviours. However, the essay will highlight how the men and women are made, not born.

Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China Essay Example for Free

Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China Essay The micro environment on the other hand comprises the industry and market.   Religion, education, ethnicity, education and language, age group, family, cross cultural differences. In 1978, the Chinese government introduced a birth control policy of one child per family. (Newsweek 2014) This in the long run will reduce both sales and labor availability for Companies especially foreign brands like nespresso. The business culture in china is based on strong family ties and cultural network. Guanxi is a Chinese business practice of favoring a family and close friends prior to doing business. This could be unfavorable to foreign businesses like nespresso and other western companies. LEGAL FACTORS. Foreign trade laws, land ownership laws, patent and trademark laws, piracy laws, lobbying laws. According to reports, foreign firms cannot and do not acquire land as all land remains the property of the Chinese government. However the lease system provides foreign firms and corporation access to land for about a period of 50years after which the lease can be renewed. There was a case of McDonalds in Beijing who were forced out of their property by the government during the contract period (China unique, 2013). This spells an unstable working environment for nespresso. ECONOMIC FACTORS Economic factors include, Unemployment rate, exchange rate, inflation, interest rate, consumer discretionary income, labor cost. Unemployment: According to the ministry of human resources and social security of the PRC, there has been a significant decrease in unemployment rate in China from 4. 10 in the last quarter of 2013 to 4 percent in the second quarter of 2013 (Trading economics, 2014). This will increase salaries and wages due to scarcity of labor as only few of the population are unemployed. Similarly, Chinas inflation rate as reported by National Bureau of Statistics of China was at 2. 50 percent in January 2014 (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014). This has caused a reduction in unemployment and an increase in wages. This might mean an increase in sales for western brands like nespresso and luxurious brands. According to ban and company luxury goods purchases has slowed down by 7percent as Chinese shoppers now do their luxury shopping abroad (Ban and company 2013). This might not be too good for foreign companies in china but it shows how passionate Chinese are for luxury brands. Chinas GDP were recorded at 7. 7 percent (9. 4 trillion USD) in the fourth quarter of 2013. (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014) The above information shows that China’s economic environment would promote and facilitate business activities. (Trading economies, 2014). Lower unemployment rate implies high purchasing power of customers. Inflation will affect nespresso because suppliers will demand more. High interest rate means high return on investment. The higher consumer’s discretionary income, the higher their purchasing power especially for premium products like the nespresso brand. POLITICAL FACTORS. Factors present in the political environment include Political Stability, government involvement, trade barriers (tariff and non-tariff) Political stability: The three decades of reform in china has led to both a political and social landscape. (China daily Feb 2014). China has a unique form of political risk which is a constant battle between the central government and local government over applicable laws. For Nespesso, this stability and a clear understanding of local law would guarantee a stable business environment in the long run. Government involvement: The purpose of this is to protect domestic firms. (Protectionism). Government may impose barriers (tariff and non-tariff) on imports or foreign investment in order to protect domestic industries and to reduce competition. Although china has continuously opened its market for foreign investors, it has also place restriction on some foreign businesses in certain industries. For instance the restriction on American producers of autos, beef and steel into its market. (Bloomberg news April 2013) TECHNOLOGY. Technology when applied to work makes it easier, quicker and sometimes more efficient. The level of technology. Technology is inputs that improves an organization’s output. Technological factors includes machinery, communication, internet penetration, transport and logistics, social infrastructure. Internet penetration and logistics. See question 2 THE MICRO ENVIRONMENT INDUSTRY ANALYSIS PORTER’S FIVE FORCES. Local suppliers include; Yunnan Zheng coffee co ltd, Baoshan Yatong coffee commercial co. ltd, Dehong Hogu coffee co ltd, Yunnan Changshengda investment co. ltd, Kunming Qianxi industry and trade co ltd, Acme Fate international ltd (Alibaba, 2014). This shows that the supplier power is low because there are so many suppliers in the industry. Power of buyers (customers): With over 14million people in shanghai and other major cities of china and the tea drinking tradition of the Chinese people, there tend to be a high buyer power amongst customers. Also, the quest for luxurious band amongst Chinese consumers tend to influence buying power Competitors: The level of competition in china is high not just for coffee consumption but also for other hot drinks. In terms of luxurious coffee key players include Starbucks, costa, McDonalds, 85 degrees, pacific coffee etc. research from Mintel has shown that there has been an increase in the number of cafes from 15,898 to 31,283 between 2007 and 2012. (China briefing, 2013). Threat of new entrants: With the existence of so many players in the coffee industry it can be concluded that there is high threat of new entrants because it may seem that coffee business in China is attractive. Analysts say there will be a continuous increase in the consumption of instant coffee. (Euro monitor international). Industry rivalry: Competition is intense in the coffee industry in china as key player continue to compete in different ways. According to reports, there is a continuous fight for market share, who has more coffee shops etc. As Starbucks plans to have 1500 stores in china, costa coffee has stated their intention to increase its number to 2500 by 2018. Nestle and Starbucks has been competing for dominance of china’s coffee market for the last decade. While nestle has focused on being a ubiquitous brand, Starbucks has targeted the upper middle class. (Context china) QUESTION TWO According to reports, China has 618million internet users. 80percent of this number are mobile internet users. (ZDnet, 2014). The outbreak of mobile internet users drove the number from 500million as at December 2013. With this number of internet users, a firm would have no problem carrying out online sales, advertising, or communicating with its customers. A report by adage confirms that Taoboa and Tmall, two of china’s largest e-commerce company broke their last year’s sales record via the internet. Therefore many firms are capitalizing on the power of the internet by doing series of online promotion. (Adage, 2013) Online retail sale according to Bloomberg, went up by 2percent last year (adage, 2013). The surging internet purchase indicates that Chinese consumers are moving away from bricks and mortar outlets for their shopping. Opportunities of online CRM and sales include; Wider reach. Using the internet, nespresso can keep up with a large number of its customers on a daily or weekly bases. Advertising. Nespresso can also use the internet to advertise its product to millions of customers at the same time. This could be cheaper to operate too. Segmenting purposes. The record of customers and their previous purchase can help nespresso in automatically segmenting it customers based on purchase history Feedback and adjustment. Customer feedbacks is very important as these information can be used in making services or products better. Despite the attractive and promising nature of using the internet, investors and firms should also consider the drawbacks of using the internet for sales and communication. The Chinese government recently just imposed a new law regarding e-Commerce in China. The law stipulates that real names registration of sellers on third party platforms, strict seven days return policy, and also online payment market place must safeguard user’s privacy. (Pac net services, 2014) Another report says the government is imposing a law where all consumer to consumer online trading would have to register for a business license and  also pay taxes (China daily, 2014) Legal system. There are different legal restriction and regulation from government and regulatory bodies. Payment environment: the cash payment culture of the Chinese creates difficulties for online shopping. International credit cards are not accepted in most online shops. There is unavailability of credit card payment in most transactional websites. The online payment system in china is still at an infant stage. Logistics network environment: there is a restriction on foreign investment of logistics companies. Limited choices of delivery therefore, much more time is spent on delivery (jitm, 2007). QUESTION THREE Despite the large number of internet users I personally would recommend that nespresso adopt another marketing strategy as it will be very harmful to assume that the nespresso club would work in the Chinese market. From careful observation of the forces at work in the Chinese market environment, I can say that there is high level of government protectionism and regulation on internet businesses (Ecommerce) that tends to favor Chinese owned firms and businesses. Report has it that not only were a lot of websites blocked in china, there were also a Chinese replacement. Sites blocked include Facebook, yahoo, google, twitter, YouTube etc. according to report, the British newspaper The Guardian along with The New York times and Bloomberg news has been blocked in china for over a year. Motives for this act remains unknown (Taipei Times, 2014). Nespresso’s use of the internet is limited as not so much can be achieved due to interference by the government therefore using the internet could hinder performance as there is too much interference from the government. Nespresso should adapt its marketing mix to overcome the current situation of internet insecurity so as to reduce reliance on the internet. Though the internet can be used to position the nespresso brand image in the minds of the consumers for sales, or advertising or customer relationship but it won’t be wise business decision to apply the nespresso club concept in China because the government can decide blacklist them just like the case of Facebook. Nespresso should create more awareness about its brand to the Chinese public especially the less educated ones explaining the difference between house coffee and the nespresso brand Lastly, since there is already a tea drinking tradition amongst the Chinese population, nespresso should consider a local adaptation which involves offering other kinds of hot drinks so as to have a variety of products for it ever growing tea drinking customers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Leading In the Affective Domain

Leading In the Affective Domain Describe the effect behaviors have on productivity. Contrast the cognitive and affective domains. Research What is the relationship between the domains and learning? Identify a cognitive skill and an affective skill? The concept for learning domains and educational taxonomies evolved from the 1948 American Psychological Association Convention (Menix, 1996). There are three domains involved in the process of learning which exist as separate yet interactive processes involved in the Human learning outcomes. The cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains epitomize the different aspects and degrees of learning complexity (Menix, 1996). The cognitive domain is often described as what we know, but is more the interaction of knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation (Jensen, 2003). This encompasses the psychological and intellectual functions that facilitate comprehension and subsequent formation of rational judgments and includes perception, memory, imagination, thought and language (Brà ¼hlmeier, 2010). An example of a Cognitive skill is comprehension-to successfully interpret the meaning in order to develop an understanding of what is required. The affective domain concerns empathy and behaviour by the interaction of receiving, responding, valuing, organization and characterization by a value or value complex (Gronlund, 1991, p. 34). Emotions stimulate our learning and determine whether we are confident in this learning. Only when we have strong feelings about it do we believe something and give significance to it (Gazibara, 2003). An example of an affective skill is Value- to attach values to concepts and express an opinion as to its worth. Between the domains which one has the greatest impact on productivity? I feel that affective domain has a more significant impact on productivity in that the cognitive domain imparts the knowledge of how to do the task and the psychotic domain gives us the manual dexterity however the intention to do the task is carried out by the affective domain-attitude and motivation. Koul et al (2004) suggested that students perceptions of biology and physics classroom learning environments and their biology and physics classroom anxiety are conditioned by their motivational goal orientations Contrast the tasks, obstacles and goals of the Bully versus the Charismatic Leader. The authoritarian leadership style is the historical model of leader, based on the power being held exclusively by an individual leader who dictates policies and procedures, determines goals and strategies and directs without input by the subordinates, possibly modelled on historical feudal leadership where the word of the leader is absolute. It is largely dismissed as a leadership style. Smither (1991) wrote that it is not advocated in any management textbook recommends it. Many people who have under an authoritarian leader, describe their experience as a nightmare. Authoritarian methods of operation are dysfunctional, causing breakdown in the organization, in work accomplishment, and in interpersonal relations (Fisher, 1978). It is not without advocates however, in certain situations. Smither (1991) wrote about cases where a team management approach has been ineffective, and that authoritarian leadership as a management style has seen some revival. Researchers have found that there are cases where teams respond well to this management approach. The article suggests essentially that some people like to be led, and do not want responsibility of decision-making concerning organisational operations. Many individuals favour the structure and order of an authoritarian workplace. Additionally he writes that changing ones leadership style to fit the situation -has been found ineffective by a great many managers. While it is important to remember that authoritarian management is not a synonym for oppressive or punitive management, there is no cause to assume that teamwork or quality circles in themselves will result in higher productivity (Smither, 1991). Clegg et al (2003) described three forms of authority-charismatic authority as authority denoted due to the attractiveness and power of the leader, in that the leader is effectively owed homage through personal magnetism, grace and bearing. Traditional authority where the authority is owed by birthright e.g. the clas s system. Rational-legal authority holds that authority is given due to the position held by the leader in that it is not the individual but the office that commands authority. Kuhn (2012) described a charismatic leader as a person who creates the belief that anything is possible, via the command of three elements-branding, articulation and affection of the team. Tuomo (2005) wrote that a charismatic leader is effective when the leader behaviours are motivated by altruism as opposed to ego. Raelin (2003) warned that though charismatics can charm employees with their rhetoric and can draw the big picture, they can display such traits as grandiosity and suspicion. This was further tempered with the lack of availability with born leaders, and the requirement to recruit the capable. Traits required included innate intelligence, a desire to learn and work with others, giving them the ability to become effective leaders. The key issue with an authoritarian leader is one of staffing retention and low morale. The key issue with the charismatic leader is to perform and produce the promises. Describe a memorable leader: How did they impact Stress, Control and Satisfaction? Greg Dyke amongst other achievements served for a short-lived tenure as the director general of the British Broadcasting Cooperation. This was terminated following a disagreement with the government of the time concerning an edition of the current affairs programme Today questioning the justification from the government for the role of the United Kingdom in the conflict. During his tenure, Greg Dyke achieved several significant victories overseeing the transition from analogue to digital television, the rise of the MTV phenomena. He significantly reduced costs by terminating consultancy and agency staffing which was a contributory factor to the cooperations lack of success, as was the extant management style at the time which was responsible for eroding the BBCs Creativity (Schlesinger, 2010). Overturning this and effectively empowering his staff helped to regain creativity within the cooperation which effectively defines his tenure. Additionally, he had a management style that one many allies within the cooperation in that he was an approachable individual who interacted with all levels of staff. Such was his popularity that when he was forced to resign the cooperation saw industrial action as workers went on strike in protest. His success as a leader was according to him, down to making sure staff who worked closely with him, broadcasted the right message to others. References Clegg. S., Kornberger. M., Pitsis. T. (2011) Managing Organisations An Introduction to Theory Practice. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Fisher, J. (1978). The Authoritarian as Anti-Manager. Public Personnel Management. 7.1 (Jan./Feb. 1978): 33. Gazibara, S, (2003) Head, Heart and Hands Learning. A challenge for contemporary education. Journal of Education Culture and Society No. 1_2013 Gronlund, N. E. (1991). How to write and use instructional objectives (4th ed.). New York : Macmillan Publishing Company. Jensen, E. (2003). Super teaching: Over 1000 practical strategies. Zagreb: Educa. Koul, R, Roy, L, Lerdpornkulrat, T. (2012) Motivational goal orientation, perceptions of biology and physics classroom learning environments, and gender. Learning Environments Research; Dordrecht15.2(Jul 2012): 217-229. Kuhn, M Alexander. (2012) Charismatic Leaders. Leadership Excellence; Aurora29.7 (Jul 2012): 20. Menix, K,. (1996) Domains of Learning: Interdependent Components of Achievable Learning Outcomes. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare27.5 (Sep/Oct 1996): 200-208. Raelin, J (2003) The myth of charismatic leaders. Profile. T + D; Alexandria57.3 (Mar 2003): 46-54. Schlesinger, P. (2010) The most creative organization in the world? The BBC, creativity and managerial style. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 16(3), pp. 271-285. (doi:10.1080/10286630903302766) Smither, R. (1991). The Return of the Authoritarian Manager. Training. 28.11 (Nov 1991): 40. Tuomo, T (2005) Problems and Perspectives in Management, 3/2005 45 Charismatic Leadership and Power

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Essays - A Lesson Before Dying :: Lesson Before Dying Essays

In the novel, A Lesson Before Dying, By Ernest Gaines, the main character, Grant Wiggins gives a man meaning in his last days alive. Wiggins gives him a book to write his thoughts in, and helps him to realize that he is not a â€Å"hog.† He shows him that he is truly a good person, and that he should die with his head up, knowing that he led a worthy and honest life. Mr. Wiggins changed greatly through the story, from a cold school teacher to an open hearted and caring man. This helped his relationship with others as well as Jefferson. Through his changing, he became the one man that Jefferson could trust. In a rural town in Louisiana in the late 1940's a poorly educated young black man, Jefferson, is in the wrong place at the wrong time: he is in a bar with two friends when they murder the white bartender. Jefferson is unfairly convicted of murder and sentenced to the electric chair by a white judge and jury. His defense lawyer, in an attempt to ward off the death sentence, labels him a "hog"--and it is this label that Jefferson's godmother wants disproved. She enlists the help of a plantation school teacher, Grant Wiggins, who at first isn’t too keen on the idea of helping a crook. Wiggins agrees to talk with Jefferson only out of a sense of duty--he is an unhappy, angry man who dreamt of escape from his deprived childhood yet returned to his hometown after a university education to teach in the same one-room parish school he attended. Despite humiliation at the hands of the white sheriff, Jefferson's lack of cooperation, and his own sense of futility and uncertain faith, Wiggins forges a bond with Jefferson that leads to wisdom and courage for both. At first, Jefferson sees himself as a hog, and nothing but a hog. It takes Wiggins much time and strength to convince him that he should live his last days with pride and dignity. Jefferson looks at the entire situation as his fault and will only do what Miss Emma and Tante Lou see fit for him to do. â€Å"If that’s what they want, Jefferson said.† â€Å"No, not what they want; what you want, says Grant†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"If that’s what they want, I’m go’n die anyhow, says Jefferson.†(p.135) Wiggins begins his teaching as he has taught for years, which is not allowing it to change his life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness and Kipling

Imperialism in Heart of Darkness and Kipling's Poetry   Ã‚  Ã‚   Imperialism sprung from an altruistic and unselfish aim to "take up the white man's burden"1 and â€Å"wean [the] ignorant millions from their horrid ways.†2 These two citations are, of course, from Kipling’s â€Å"White Man’s Burden† and Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, respectively, and they splendidly encompass what British and European imperialism was about – at least seen from the late-nineteenth century point of view. This essay seeks to explore the comparisons and contrasts between Conrad’s and Kipling’s view of imperialism in, respectively, Heart of Darkness and â€Å"White Man’s Burden† and â€Å"Recessional.†      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a historical context, the two texts differ greatly: Heart of Darkness is Conrad’s autobiographical description of his trip up the river of Congo and his encounter with the atrocities of European rule in Africa.3 Conversely, Kipling’s â€Å"White Man’s Burden† was written to welcome the United States of America to the club of imperialistic nations. The event that prompted Kipling to write this poem was the United States’ intervention in the Philippines. Under the Treaty of Paris in 1898, the Philippine sovereignty was transferred from Spain to the United States and thus the United States emerged as an imperialistic nation dedicated to progress. This is the core of the matter – progress. Kipling speaks of ‘a Law’ in his poem â€Å"Recessional.† The code of behaviour and the enlightenment that Kipling wished to be aggrandised to all ‘primitive’ nations. In other words: Progress in the mean s of railroads across continents, telegraph lines over deep seas, commerce beyond boundaries and steam boat lines criss-crossing the earth.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Imperialism was at its height... ...55,1978) * Conrad, Joseph. â€Å"Heart of Darkness† in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, M.H. Abrams, general editor.   (London: W.W. Norton, 1962, 2000) * Islam, Shamsul. Kipling’s Law: A Study of His Philosophy of Life (London: The MacMillan Press Ltd., 1975) * McClure, John A. â€Å"The Rhetoric of Restraint in Heart of Darkness† in Nineteenth Century Fiction, Volume 32, Issue 3 (Dec. 1977), pp. 310-26 – available through * Raskin, Jonah. The Mythology of Imperialism (New York: Random House, 1971) * Rudyard Kipling’s Verse, ‘Definitive Edition’ (London: Hudder & Stoughton, 1940) * Watts, Cedric. â€Å"‘A Bloody Racist’: About Achebe’s View of Conrad† in Joseph Conrad; Critical Assessments, Keith Carabine, ed., Volume II: ‘The Critical Response: Almayer’s Folly to The Mirror of the Sea’ (Mountfield: Helm Information Ltd., 1992)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Us Gaap and Ifrs Difference in Income Statement

Income Statement Income statements present an ordered list, grouped by broad categories of revenues and expenses. The income statement begins with revenues followed by a list of expenses. U. S. GAAP and IFRS requirements for the presentation of income statements are similar, with some important differences. *Other than separating revenues from expenses, U. S. GAAP provides little guidance about which items the firm must separately display or their order. IFRS requires, at a minimum, the separate display of revenues, financing costs (for example, interest expense), income tax expense, profit or loss for the period, and certain other items. *Both U. S. GAAP and IFRS require the separate display of items whose size, nature, or frequency of occurrence make such separate display necessary for accurately portraying performance. *Both U. S. GAAP and IFRS require separate display of items related to discontinued operations, a topic discussed in Chapter 14. *IFRS requires separate display of the portion of profit or loss attributable to the minor- ity (noncontrolling) interest and the portion attributable to the parent entity, a topic dis- cussed in more detail in Chapter 13. U. S. GAAP contains a similar requirement starting in 2009 for most firms. IFRS permits firms to present expenses by either nature or function; although U. S. GAAP is silent on this issue, guidance from the Securities and Exchange Commission requires registrants to classify expenses by function. 4 REVENUE RECOGNITION Revenue recognition refers to the timing and measurement of revenues. Management applies the revenue recognition criteria of authoritative guidance to decide whether a given transac- tion meets the criteria and so results in recording revenues (and the related expenses). Reve- nue recognition is among the most complex issues in financial reporting.As of the writing of this textbook, U. S. GAAP contains over 200 pieces of authoritative guidance for recognizing revenues. The quantity and complexity of this guidance result from several factors. First, mis- reporting of revenues (either reporting revenues before the firm earns them or reporting non- existent revenues) is the most common form of discovered accounting fraud. 9 Second, firms often bundle products and services and sell them in multiple-element arrangements, and each element of the arrangement has the potential to result in revenue recognition.An example of a multiple-element arrangement is the sale of a machine with an extended five-year war- ranty, installation services, training for employees to learn how to operate the machine, and software upgrades as they become available. This bundled arrangement can contain five or more elements, delivered at different times, but with a single sales price. The selling firm faces difficult recognition and measurement issues in deciding (1 ) whether a given element of the arrangement has separable revenues, and (2) when, and in what amounts, to recognize rev- enues for the separate elements of the arrangement.CRITERIA FOR REVENUE RECOGNITION As a general principle, under the accrual basis of accounting, the firm recognizes revenue when the transaction meets both of the following conditions: 1 . Completion of the earnings process. The seller has done all (or nearly all) that it has prom- ised to do for the customer. That is, the seller has delivered all (or nearly all) of the goods and services it has agreed to provide. 2. Receipt of assets from the customer. The seller has received cash or some other asset that it can convert to cash, for example, by collecting an account receivable.The first criterion focuses on the seller’s performance. Firms recognize revenues from many sales of goods and services at the time of sale (delivery) because that is often the point of completion of the earnings process, in the sense that the seller has transferred the promised goods to the customer or has performed the promised services. Even if some items remain unperformed (for example, promises to provide warranty services and promises to accept cus- tomer returns), the seller can recognize revenues as long as the unperformed items are not too great a portion of the total arrangement with the customer, and the seller can easonably measure the cost of the unperformed items. 11 The second criterion for revenue recognition focuses on measuring the amount of cash the seller will ultimately receive. The exchange price between the customer (buyer) and seller represents the assets exchanged by the customer for goods and services, and provides the ini- tial measure of revenue.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Restaurant Report Essay

Cut pork into  ½ in. squares and with the pork bones fry over low heat until brown and the meat is slightly dry. If pork is very fatty, pour off all but 4 or 5 tablespoons of the grease. Using a colander, strain tomatoes into an 8-quart saucepan and coarsely chop tomatoes. Combine tomatoes, tomato sauce, hot water, cooked pork, and bones in the same saucepan. Bring to a rapid boil and continue boiling for 20 minutes. Add spices, chopped hot peppers and chopped chilies (including jalapeà ±o). Continue boiling for another 20 minutes. Finish by cooking on medium heat until desired thickness, usually about another 20 minutes. Remove bones before serving. Serve in deep bowls with tortilla if desired. The recipe for green chili comes from the La Bolos restaurant in Denver, CO. My mother gave me the recipe, which she acquired from the restaurant in the 1980’s. She first started going to the restaurant with her best friend Debbee when she was in graduate school. My mother has always told me that  she loved the recipe because even though graduate school was grueling and tiresome, her and Debbee would make time to go to La Bolos. At La Bolos they would wait in line just to get their table in the back then they would both order the smothered bean burrito with their signature green chili. Although eventually my mother and Debbee graduated, my mother got the recipe for green chili and continued to make it on her own. When my mother first started to make the green chili she followed the recipe to the â€Å"t†. However after decades of taste testing her and I have tweaked the recipe to increase the amount of green chili peppers and jalapeà ±o peppers. We have also replaced the sugar with Splenda in order to cut down calories. My mother started to make green chili for my grandpa when he came to visit her after graduate school and he fell in love with it. Since he enjoyed the chili so much my mother began to make it every time my grandpa visited. It became a tradition that green chili would be made every time grandpa came to visit. When I was a young girl my grandpa always taught me that the chili wasn’t hot enough if he wasn’t red in the face and sweating; Hence the addition of jalapeà ±os. Usually the dish is served in the mid-afternoon after my grandpa has walked around the house making minor fixes to the various appliances. Everyone sits around the table and has a bowl of green chili while we inquire into my grandpa’s fascinating history. The main ingredient in the green chili is pork shoulder, which comes from the pig. Pigs originated from the wild boar, Sus scrofa, which originated from the Middle East and the Mediterranean sometime between 7000-5000 BCE. Archaeologists have also found remnants of domesticated pigs in Palestine, Iraq, Turkey, and Greece (Gade). They have also found pigs were the oldest domesticated animal besides dogs. Other archaeologists have found that pigs may have originated in Southeast Asia then migrated to China. Since archaeologists have come to different conclusions as to where the pig originated, it has been suggested that the pig may have domesticated in multiple places. In addition pigs may have made the conscious choice to move to places where were humans present, since pigs could feed off of humans waste (Gade). Waste was a good source of food for pigs because they are able to eat plants and animals. In the Middle Ages people began to breed and sell  pigs as a source of income. Breeding of pigs became more intricate at this time because now there were laws and regulations that needed to be followed in order to be a pig farmer. In the modern world there are still many restrictions on how pigs can be raised and slaughtered for consumption such as how large the living area must be and how many antibiotics can be given to the pigs. Another key ingredient to the green chili is diced tomatoes and tomato sauce. Tomatoes can be dated back to 900 BCE and were originally from the Americas, specifically the Andes region. However due to their distinct smell when on the vine people in the Americas believed that the tomato was poisonous and a part of the nightshade family so people did not use then for food. Instead people used tomato plants as decoration for their gardens, due to their bright green and red colors (Texas A&M). Europeans were the first people to realize that tomatoes were edible and began to spread the knowledge. Italians were the first Europeans to grow tomatoes in the 1550’s and people in Europe soon began to call tomatoes the â€Å"love apples† (Texas A&M). In North America the cultivation of tomatoes did not grow to the extent that it did in Europe until Thomas Jefferson included them in his massive garden. Jefferson was known for growing vegetables and taking notes on their growth, whic h allowed for farmers everywhere to learn when his discoveries became public. Nowadays tomatoes are cultivated all over the world and new varieties are being created and tested. The most essential ingredients to green chili, in my opinion, are the hot green chili peppers and jalapenos. Chili peppers are thought to have originated in 5000 BC in what is now Mexico. Christopher Columbus is credited for discovering Capsicum, but he incorrectly placed it in the pepper category with black pepper (Food Timeline). Columbus brought the chili pepper to Europe where it quickly spread to India and Asia through various trade routes. Many scholars note that the Portuguese were essential in the spread of the chili pepper throughout these trade routes. However specifics on these trade routes are unknown as they either were not documented or were destroyed over time. Eventually people began to expand upon the use of chilies besides just using them as a spice. Stuffed chilies,  stuffed peppers, and beef stewed with chilies became extremely popular in the 19th and 20th centuries and still are today. The other ingredients in the green chili that really bring it together are sugar, salt, and garlic. Although hardly detectable the chili would not be complete without these three items. Sugar originated in the Indies in 1200 BC and was used by the Egyptians and Phoenicians as a medicine (Food Timeline). However it wasn’t until 1000 BC that Arabs in Crete perfected the refinement of sugar. When explorers came to the New World they realized the potential to mass-produce sugar from the abundant sugar cane in the area. The British colonies became obsessed with production of sugar and devoted the colonies of Barbados and Jamaica to sugar production (Food Timeline). Their investments paid off as sugar continued to sell and be produced in colonies all over the New World. Since this time sugar has become further refined and mass produced in various forms including the highly controversial form of high fructose corn syrup. Salt has been present on Earth as an essential mineral since the Neolithic age. There are even salt mines in China dating back all the way to 2000 BC. People began to settle in areas where salt mines were and they began to take advantage of the natural habitat and mined the salt out of the earth. In addition to salt mining people boiled off water from salty lakes and springs. In the 4th century it was discovered that iodine deficiency was associated with overactive thyroid and in 1833 the French recommended iodized salt as the solution to overactive thyroid. This recommendation was not present in the United States until the 1920’s. One of the oldest foods known on the ingredient list for green chili is the garlic. Garlic dates back to 3000 BC and originated from Central Asia (Food Timeline). It was known, and still is, for its medicinal and therapeutic uses. In Ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages garlic was known to be â€Å"peasant food† and was not seen as appropriate for people in higher classes. Thankfully by the 19th century people recognized its flavorful value and it become the celebrated ingredient that is today in the modern world. The ingredients to green chili may all have different origins, but they are all prevalent in modern day Mexico. This chili has a distinctly Mexican flavor to it due to the tomatoes, garlic, and chili peppers. Although my family has no cultural ties to Mexico, my mother living in a predominately Mexican area of Denver allowed for green chili to become one of my families most loved recipes. It has become a dish that will always bring comfort and memories with my grandfather to my family and me. References The Food Timeline An online source Gade, Daniel W. â€Å"II.G.13. – Hogs.† The Cambridge World History of Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. . Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Texas A&M, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. .